August 2, 2010

Carol + Elton - {Married}

Is it just me or this year just feels like one of the hottest summers we ever had?  Doesn’t really matter, we had a GREAT day to start off our wedding of Carol and Elton!

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The ceremony takes place in Central United Church.  And I have to say, I just LOVE our flower girl and ring bearer.  They’ve been cooperating the whole time.  And especially our ring-bearer, who played a vital role in the union of Carol and Elton. =)

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After the ceremony, our official photo fun begins!

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Of course, our session will not be successful without our very cool and helpful wedding party.  Thanks guys!


What can I say?  We’re blessed to have our lovely couple who is as adventurous as we do.  And boy oh boy, Carol and Elton, you look INCREDIBLE!

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After our afternoon session, we head off to Grand Baccus for our evening celebration!

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Carol and Elton, thank you for including us in your wedding.  It’s a pleasure for us to capture all the special moments of your big day.  Love ya! =)

******************* Behind the scene *******************

OK, I heard men are the sexiest when they’re at work.  So here we are, team timeless! =P

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Hmm… and when I’m not at work? =)


OK, I can explain this.  It’s a sunny afternoon in the woods.  Guess where the mosquitos are resting?  We’re simply a walking feast to them that afternoon.  But hey, no pain (itch), no gain! =)



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